Unit 2, Ancient Mesopotamia; Lesson 3: Agriculture and Inventions

Note:  TTW= The Teacher Will; TSW= The Students Will; GCR= Google Classroom 

Standard(s):  6.07: Agriculture and Inventions

A. Clear Target:  I can identify the scientific and technological advancements of the Sumerians, and explain the impact those advancements had on the Sumerian society.

B. Bell Ringer: Why was Mesopotamia called the Fertile Crescent (Make sure that you use the elements of Geography, and how those elements contributed to it being called the Fertile Crescent)?

C. Set: TTW lead a discussion on the clear target and or bell ringer to ensure that the students understand it/them.  TTW lead a discussion on the assignment from the day before to ensure understanding.

D. Presentation of New Material: Today you will be completing a Document Based Question (DBQ).  You are going to read the article “Sumerian Science and Technology.”  While you are reading the article, you need to complete your notes in your notes packet.  The notes come from the DBQ.  After you have read the document and completed your notes, there will be a quiz for you to take.

Video in Video N/A

Simulation:  N/A

E. Guided Practice: TTW demonstrate for the students how to: Find and open the document; use the document; turn in the document when completed.  TTW have a student share their screen and demonstrate all of the steps.  TTW assist, and have the class assist the student demonstrator with answering the first question.

F. Independent Practice: TSW complete the assignment listed  below.

Click this link to complete the quiz on today’s lesson.

GCR Directions:  N/A

G. Closure: On the next class day, TSW be able to develop an opinion supported by evidence and answer the following question:  What was the most important invention of the Sumerians and why?

Assessment:  Question and answer/Discussions/The guided practice/Closure discussion/Quiz if used/ Exit Ticket if used

H. Enrichment: TSW listen to a lecture and or discussion led by the teacher if applicable/complete a reading and work on their notebook packet.  The link to the presentations to complete the notebook packets are here: Presentations

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