Note: TTW= The Teacher Will; TSW= The Students Will; GCR= Google Classroom
I. Standard(s): 6.51-6.62
A. Clear Target: I can demonstrate mastery of all of the Unit 8 Part B standards.
B. Bell Ringer: Study for the test. TSW study their Study Guides and their notes in preparation for the test.
C. Set: TTW lead a discussion on the clear target and or bell ringer to ensure that the students understand it/them. TTW lead a discussion on test to cover any vocabulary and or difficult language that needs defined and or explained. TTW ask students for questions, at the conclusion of which TSW be given 5-10 minutes to study.
D. Presentation of New Material: N/A When the students are done with their tests they will work on missing work for my class or another class. If they do not have any missing work they can write, read, or draw. The scrap paper is on the counter on the right side of the room.
1. Checks For Understanding (CFU): Test
2. Video in Video N/A
3. Simulation: N/A
E. Guided Practice: TTW show/explain how the students will log into, and take the test. A student will be chosen at random to repeat these steps to the class in their own words.
F. Independent Practice (The assignments are due the next school day unless otherwise stated): TSW complete their test during the assigned time in class.
1. TSW study their notes in preparation for the test.
2. TSW open performance matters and find the 6th SS CUA Unit 8 Part B test and take it.
3. When TS are done with the test they will submit it to the teacher and work on missing work, write, read or draw.
G. Closure: TEST Submitted
H. Assessment: Test