Note: TTW= The Teacher Will; TSW= The Students Will; GCR= Google Classroom
I. Standard(s): 6.58 Explain the polytheistic religion of ancient Rome, with respect to beliefs about the humanlike qualities of the deities and their importance in everyday life.
6.60 Explain the expulsion of the Jews from their homeland by the Romans, which began the Jewish diaspora
A. Clear Target: I can explain the polytheistic religion of ancient Rome and the beginnings of the Jewish Diaspora.
B. Set: TTW start the class by having TS complete a bell ringer activity (C below) while TT takes care of admin things in the classroom (attendance and such). After administrative tasks are complete, and TS have had at least 5 minutes of class time for the bell ringer, TTW continue the class by reading the posted school and classroom rules. Next, TTW have a student give a classroom rule and the SOAR principle that it falls under. This reinforces the rules in the students at the beginning of the class, and gets some critical thinking started. After the rules, TTW tell some funny riddles to continue the critical thinking, and to get TS ready to learn. TTW then read the clear target to TS and discuss any terms or concepts in the target that may need explaining.
1. Interest Cue: The interest cue for the day is the bell ringer activity. It is a GIMKIT over the day’s lesson.
2. Review: TTW assess if there needs to be a review of the previous day’s lesson. If a review is needed, TTW have the students get out their notes and will review the material with them.
C. Bell Ringer: There is a GIMKIT over the day’s lesson. Here is the link.
D. Presentation of New Material: TSW watch and listen to two video lectures on Ancient Rome’s religion and the diaspora, and Rome and Christianity. TSW follow along with the presentations and complete their guided notes. If TS lose their guided notes or are absent, the guided notes questions are listed in D. 3. below. Here is the link: Roman Religion and Diaspora
Here is the link to the second video: Rome and Christianity. TSW take notes on, and or answer questions in their packets over both videos.
1. Lecture Questions:
a. Rome’s Religion and the Diaspora
- The Roman Gods and Goddesses were an important part of_______?
- In Rome at every meal there was always a ________?
- The Romans practiced religious tolerance. What is religious tolerance?
- When were the Romans not tolerant of other people’s religion?
- What group fought back against the Romans because of religion?
- What was the diaspora as explained in this lesson?
- What was Masada and why was it important to the Romans?
b. Rome and Christianity
- Jesus’ rise from the dead was called the ____?
- How was Christianity different from the traditional Roman religions?
- Jesus was called the _____, which means ______?
- The Romans ______ the Christians just like the Jews.
- In what book do the Christians keep their religious writings and beliefs?
- What happened that started to make things better for the Christians in Rome?
- Who was believed to be the most important Christian after Jesus…and what did he do?
- What happened to show Constantine proof of the power of Christ and the superiority of the Christian religion?
- What are three things that Constantine did to help Christianity?
- In the end, Christians went from persecuted to the _________ in ancient Rome?
E. Guided Practice: TTW show the students how to get to the day’s presentation of new material and independent practice; and explain what they are doing to complete the day’s lesson. TTW then choose a student at random to perform the same tasks. Write a law…question and answer to get the writing started
F. Independent Practice (The assignments are due the next school day unless otherwise stated):
1. TSW complete their notes using the presentation in section “D. Presentation of New Material.”
2. DO NOT DO THIS! IT IS NOT REQURED FOR THE 22-23 SCHOOL YEAR! Complete the worksheet. There is a reading attached to the worksheet that will help you answer the questions. TSW submit the worksheet through Google Classroom when completed. They will not email it or share it with the teacher or it will not be graded. Here is the link to the worksheet and reading.
G. Closure: TSW be able to answer the following question(s) in the next day’s class discussion: What was the impact of the Diaspora?
H. Assessment: Nearpod/CFUs/Discussion/Quiz