Note: TTW= The Teacher Will; TSW= The Students Will; GCR= Google Classroom
I. Standard(s): Unit 8: 6.51-6.56
A. Clear Target: I can demonstrate mastery of all of the Unit 8A standards to include: The geography, and its impacts; government; Julius Caesar and his impact; and the social system.
B. Bell Ringer: Study Guide – If they do not already have a copy, TSW pick up a copy of the study guide on their way into the classroom and begin working on it. TSW have approximately 10 minutes of class time to complete this with their teams.
C. Set: TTW get the class ready to learn by reviewing the classroom rules, and by telling some jokes/riddles from the joke book. TTW then discuss the bell ringer to gauge understanding.
D. Presentation of New Material: TSW play a Blooket as an assignment. It will be completed individually in class and not done as a whole group or led by the teacher. TSW click on the link to join and play. Blooket Link for Rome Part A
1. Checks For Understanding (CFU):
2. Video in Video N/A
3. Simulation: N/A
E. Guided Practice: TTW demonstrate for the students how to: Find and open the document; use the document; turn in the document when completed. TTW have a student share their screen and demonstrate all of the steps. TTW assist, and have the class assist the student demonstrator with answering the first question.
F. Independent Practice (The assignments are due the next school day): TSW participate in a review game to prepare for their upcoming test.
G. Closure: Review and grade study guide at the end of class if time permits…if not, do so the next class day.
H. Assessment: Study Guide/Review