Note: TTW= The Teacher Will; TSW= The Students Will; GCR= Google Classroom
I. Standard(s): Unit 6: 6.39-6.45
A. Clear Target: I can demonstrate mastery of all of the Unit 7 standards to include: The Persian Wars; their results and effects; characteristics of Athens and Sparta including their systems of government; and the geography of ancient Greece and its impacts on the ancient Greece civilizations.
B. Set: TTW tell some jokes/riddles to help get all of the students out of trauma brain and into learning mode.
C. Bell Ringer: Study your study guides and or complete your unit packets.
a. Review: After the class has answered the question to the best of their ability, TTW assess if there needs to be a review of the previous day’s lesson. If a review is needed, TTW have the students get out their notes and will review the material with them.
b. If no review is needed TTW have the students get ready for today’s lesson.
D. Presentation of New Material: TSW prepare for their unit test.
1. Checks For Understanding (CFU):
2. Video in Video N/A
3. Simulation: N/A
E. Guided Practice: TTW give a brief review of the material going to be covered on the test and give test pointers.
F. Independent Practice (The assignments are due the next school day): TSW complete a test over the unit in Performance Matters.
G. Closure: Review the study guide if score less than 80% in preparation for the retest
H. Assessment: Test