Ancient Greece, Lesson 10: Alexander the Great

Note:  TTW= The Teacher Will; TSW= The Students Will; GCR= Google Classroom 

I.  Standard(s):  6.50: I can explain the unification of the Greek city-states by Macedonia, and analyze the impact of Alexander the Great and the diffusion of Hellenistic culture.


     A.  Clear Target: I can explain the unification of the Greek city-states by Macedonia, and analyze the impact of Alexander the Great and the diffusion of Hellenistic culture.

     B.  Set: TTW tell some jokes, or ask some riddles to the students in order to get their brains ready for learning. The Bell Ringer covered the lesson and is the interest cue.

     C.  Bell Ringer: TSW complete a GIMKIT.  Here is the link.

            1TTW review the clear target with the students ensuring understanding of the new terms (if any) and then lead a discussion on the bell ringer to ensure that the students understand the information in the lesson from the class prior.

               a.  Review:  After the class has answered the question to the best of their ability, and the discussion is complete, TTW assess if there needs to be a review of the previous day’s lesson.  If a review is needed, TTW have the students get out their notes and will review the material with them.

               b.  If no review is needed TTW have the students get ready for today’s lesson.

     D.  Presentation of New Material: TSW read their notes handout, and then answer the questions on the worksheet that covers the notes.  Answers are to come from the notes handout, and not any other source.  TS may open the video and complete their worksheet if they desire. However, they may have to use the notes handout as well for some of the answers.  Here is the link to the video(s):  Alexander the Great

After the notes and worksheets have been reviewed and completed, there is an exit ticket in Section “G. Closure.” This exit ticket must be completed before class is over.  TSW complete the DBQ, in section “F. 3.” as well.  Again, the exit ticket must be completed before class is over.

          1.  Checks For Understanding (CFU):

          2.  Video in Video N/A

          3.  Simulation: N/A

     E.  Guided Practice: TTW demonstrate for the students how to: Find and open the document; use the document; turn in the document when completed.  TTW have a student share their screen and demonstrate all of the steps.  TTW assist, and have the class assist the student demonstrator with answering the first question as needed.  TTW also explain any activities in section F and get the students started on it by beginning the activity with them.

    F.  Independent Practice (The assignments are due the next school day): 

1. TSW complete their guided notes

2. Complete the activities in the packet.

3. TSW Complete the DBQ: Alexander the Great

4.  Additional Videos and Questions (The questions are written down and answered on your own paper, which is then added (Stapled) to the back of your packet):

    G.  Closure: TSW complete an Exit Ticket before class ends.  Here is the link.

     H.  Assessment:  Class Discussion; The assignments

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