February                                                                            January

1. Saturday 1. Christmas Break
2. Sunday 2. Christmas Break
3. Unit 6 Conflict and Absolutism Presentation Project 3. Christmas Break
4. Unit 6 Conflict and Absolutism Assignments Build Project 4. Saturday: Christmas Break
5. Unit 6 Conflict and Absolutism Assignments Build Project 5. Sunday: Christmas Break
6. Unit 6 Conflict and Absolutism Assignments Build Project 6. Unit 5, The Age of Exploration, Lesson 2: Research Project Lesson 2
7. Unit 6 Conflict and Absolutism Assignments Build Project 7.  Unit 5, The Age of Exploration, Lesson 2: Research Project Lesson 2
8. Saturday 8. Unit 5, The Age of Exploration, Lesson 3: Research Project Lesson 3
9. Sunday 9. Unit 5, The Age of Exploration, Lesson 3: Research Project Lesson 3
10.  Unit 6, Conflict and Absolutism Stations Overview Activity 10. Unit 5, The Age of Exploration, Lesson 3: Research Project Lesson 3
11.  Unit 6, Conflict and Absolutism Stations Overview Activity 11. Saturday
12.  Unit 6, Conflict and Absolutism Stations Overview Activity 12. Sunday
13.  Unit 6, Conflict and Absolutism Stations Overview Activity 13. No School NTI 3
14. Early Release No New Activities; Unit 6, Conflict and Absolutism Stations Overview Activity 14. Unit 5, The Age of Exploration, Lesson 1: Pretest
15. Saturday 15. Class Project
16. Sunday 16. Class Project
17. President’ Day, No School 17. ERF: Catch up on Class Project
18. 18. Saturday
19. 19. Sunday
20. 20. MLK Day No School
21. 21. Class Project
22. Saturday 22. Class Project
23. Sunday 23.
24. 24.
25. 25. Saturday
26. 26. Sunday
27. 27. Unit 5, The Age of Exploration, Lesson 6: Spain

Unit Review Game

28. 28. Study Session
29. Unit 5 Test
30. Unit 6 Conflict and Absolutism Presentation Project
31. Unit 6 Conflict and Absolutism Presentation Project