Ancient Greece, Unit 7, Lesson 4: Democracy

Note:  TTW= The Teacher Will; TSW= The Students Will; GCR= Google Classroom 

I.  Standard(s):  6.42:  Explain the basic concepts of direct democracy and oligarchy.

     A.  Clear Target:  I can explain the basic concepts of direct democracy and oligarchy.

     B.  Set: TTW tell some jokes, or ask some riddles to the students in order to get their brains ready for learning.  TTW then do a simulation as an interest cue.  TTW tell all of the students: “You all get to vote on a homework issues for today.”   TTW then choose a student and say: “Who thinks that I should give (name of chosen student) additional homework for today.”  TTW then count the votes and give TS the decision.  TTW then ask TS “Who thinks that the boys should do their homework, and the homework for all of the girls in class?”  TTW tally up the votes and give the decision.  TTW then ask: “Who thinks that all of the girls should do their homework and the homework for all of the boys?”  TTW tally up the votes and give the decision.  TTW then discuss with the students how that is a direct democracy.  TTW engage the students about the time that it takes to do this, and how in a direct democracy all citizens vote on everything, and how that decisions that are made this way may not be in the best interest of the country, as with the boys vs. girls homework votes.  TTW try to get the students to see how this could be very bad for a country.  TTW then have the students choose one person in their row to represent them so that voting is easier.  TTW then ask the representatives to stand up and pose a question to them.  “How many of you think that we should have less homework in school?  TTW instruct TS representatives to discuss this question with their constituents, (the students in their row that voted for them to be the representative).   TTW tally the votes and give the response.  TTW then ask TS representatives who thinks that their constituents should have more homework, but as representatives, they do not have to do the homework, but still get 100% credit for completing it?  TTW then tally the results and discuss with two votes with the students.  TTW ask the students: “How did the first vote go?  How did you feel about the results of the first vote?  Are you happy with your representatives?”  TTW ask the same questions about the second vote.  TTW then ask the students: “What do you think that you can do about your representative after the second vote?”  The goal is to get them to say vote them out of the position (or words to that effect).  TTW let TS know that the representative democracy is what we have in the U.S.  TTW also get the students to the point that they see how a direct democracy could not support a large country, or the views of everyone in the country…that a representative democracy is more efficient, and more representative of all of the views of the people.

     C.  Bell Ringer: Forms of Government Bell Ringer Quiz

            1TTW review the clear target with the students ensuring understanding of the new terms (if any) and then lead a discussion on the bell ringer to ensure that the students understand the information in the lesson from the class prior.

               a.  Review:  After the class has answered the question to the best of their ability, and the discussion is complete, TTW assess if there needs to be a review of the previous day’s lesson.  If a review is needed, TTW have the students get out their notes and will review the material with them.

               b.  If no review is needed TTW have the students get ready for today’s lesson.

     D.  Presentation of New Material: TW hand out a notes page and a worksheet to TS. TSW Complete the worksheet from the notes page.  TS can open the video to help compete their worksheet as it is a visual and audio version of the notes.  Here is the link to the video: Ancient Greece Democracy

          1.  Checks For Understanding (CFU):

          2.  Video in Video N/A

          3.  Simulation: Direct Democracy Voting Simulation.  Ask a question and have all of the students vote on it on a sheet of paper.  Time how long it takes them to vote, and for me to count the votes.  Then have One person from each group vote on something else and do the same thing.  Compare the times, and then multiple the times out to like 100, or 1,000 people.  Have a discussion about other obstacles that they might have in a direct democracy…what are the limitations of it.  A few Pros and Cons…Pros: Everyone gets a voice to discuss the issues; everyone gets a vote; The majority of the people would be happy with the decisions.  Cons: Too much time; everyone may not understand the issues enough to properly vote which could lead to really bad decisions; there is no accountability for passing poor laws.

     E.  Guided Practice: TTW demonstrate for the students how to: Find and open the document; use the document; turn in the document when completed.  TTW have a student share their screen and demonstrate all of the steps.  TTW assist, and have the class assist the student demonstrator with answering the first question as needed.  TTW also explain any activities in section F and get the students started on it by beginning the activity with them.

    F.  Independent Practice (The assignments are due the next school day): 

1. TSW complete their guided notes/read their notes packet.

2. Complete the activities in their guided notes/notes worksheet.

3. TSW Complete the DBQ: N/A

4.  Additional Videos: N/A

Questions over the video: N/A

    G.  Closure: Discuss the clear target and how it relates to the previous lesson. If time permits discuss the video from today’s lesson.

     H.  Assessment:  Class Discussion; The assignments

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